Thursday, January 21, 2010

Facts and challenges of transboundary water management

hi all,
i got some points specifying the recent facts which emphasize the importance of having a transboundary water management center.It is also obvious that there are challenges to analyze and overcome while thinking of an initiation for an international transboundary water center.

WHY TWC? Some facts
-90% of worlds popln lives in countries sharing international rivers(world bank)
-more countries r experiencing water stress(supply < 1700m3/person annually)
-as water scarcity faces high demands transboundary competition for shared rivers and water resources grow
-mechanisms(instituitions)to manage water resource disputes r absent or unsatisfactory(UNESCO and Green cross intnl,2003)
Since transboundary waters extend hydrological interdependence among nations and countries, managing this interdependence is a crucial task for z international community.

In my opinion and from the references more impt of the challenges to take into account in TWM for upstream and downstream countries r

-interdependence and competition for limited supply of water
-impacts on water quality- water usage by upstream countries
-economic and military power imbalance
-timing of water flows- released water amount(when & how much)
-z need for legal bindings and agreements

And through TWM by TWC we expect equitable use of water resources,protection for transboundary resources and reduced water conflicts among nations.
we also have an additionally suggested use of z TWC:to have a role in controlling the ratification of UN water courses convention.

taking basin level cooperation as an example for proper TWM some interesting ways suggested r

1).Financial resource flows-India's contribution to pakistan for irrigation(Indus Waters Treaty)

.Trade in energy resources-creation of markets in hydropower(Brazil purchasing electricity from Paraguay's Itaipu dam, kenya recently agreed to purchase electricity from Ethiopia from gibe hydroelectric pjct)

2.Data sharing-data gathering for effective basin management(Mekong commitee)

3.Political linkages-Israel Jordan water accord was part of their peace agreement in 1994.
i will try to see other pts

N.B There r online srcs that we can check if they help

Transboundary water conflicts in the middle east and north Africa

TWM for intl public good by Swedish ministry for foreign affairs (

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