Thursday, May 6, 2010

Finland for Peace Mediation

The Finnish Foreign Ministry published today a study entitled “Peace Mediation – Finland’s Guidelines”. (see )

 According to the study, Finland's role in peace mediation can and should be strengthend further. It states that peace mediation is increasingly important in international crisis prevention. I browsed through the study and looked for any mentions of water. I found something! The study says: "Tutkitaan mahdollisuuksia panostaa välitystoiminnan kehittämiseen osana luonnonvaroista johtuvien konfliktien ratkaisua.", which can be translated to "Possibilities to peace mediation as a part of solving conflicts related to natural resources will be studied." If I understand it right (it IS sort of ambigous...), it means that Finland could take a more active role in solving water conflicts, as water is a fundamental natural resource, as a part of it's attempt to become an active peace mediator.

So... was our thought of HCTW's cooperation with CMI that far-fetched? Why couldn't Finland in particular take an active role in water conflict prevention? Don't we have perfect resources, knowledge and international status for that?

Just wondering whether we should contact Alexander Stubb.

ps. I don't know what happended to the layout of our blog some weeks ago, but at least for me it looked suddenly very messy. I tried to repair it but I couldn't, so I changed the layout completely... It's never too late! :)

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